Tales of the Aeons | アエオン物語

Violet (Tales of the Aeons)

“If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha.”

Linji Yixuan

‘Violet’ is a debut novel that combines hard science fiction, the subtlety within prose enjoyed within literary fiction, atop a deep-rooted foundation of themes, style, and conventions from Buddhist and traditional Japanese literature. This novel, while multifaceted and layered, is approachable by a general audience familiar with fast-paced adventure, science-fiction with over-the-horizon tech, platonic notions of love and fidelity, as well as expressions of responsibility and consequences.

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Coliseum of Parliament | 国会コロシアムで

“The strongest tree outlasts the winds of trends and opinions.”

Soma Umehori

‘Coliseum of Parliament’ follows the political adventure of Ayala, the daughter of a political dynasty who turned her back on her birthright for a life outside of Yezo, a country split from the north of Japan in the post-war period. Returning home and thrust into the coliseum of national politics as an independent gladiator, she must come to terms with pieces of the past she can no longer outrun: her family’s shadow and her purpose. With the stakes of national politics and intrigue will her political adventure be that of a puppet pulled or a gallant gladiator adored by the masses in the coliseum of parliament?